
                          Kāinga                     Mō Mātou                          Ngā ratonga                                         Te Whanaketanga                                           Tūranga Mahi                             Ngā Pārongo                           Whakapā mai                   


Our Services

Empowering our whānau toward mana motuhake-ā-hauora – hei painga mō te katoa.


With our whānau-centered approach, we empower (whānau) to develop a personalised care plan aligned with their needs and goals. We understand that navigating the system can be challenging, so we're here to help you every step of the way. It's our pleasure to guide you through the available systems and programs to create a customised plan that suits your needs.

  • Breast and Cervical Screening

    Me aro ki te hā o Hineahuone.

    Our service provides kaupapa Māori cervical and breast screening support, aiming to honour wāhine Māori and uphold their mana. We walk alongside whānau to achieve a positive screening experience, support access to services, and help navigate hauora screening services by reducing barriers.


    Our operating hours are weekdays from 9am to 4:30pm, and our services are free. We offer transport to appointments, education on screening services, and screening in your whare. 

    Referrals can be made through the Cervical Screening Program, through your GP service or directly to Hauraki PHO. Eligible individuals include Māori and Pacific wāhine, those aged 25 to 69 years old, and those needing follow-up testing.

  • Whai Ora : Long term Conditions

    Ka hikitia, ka ora – to lengthen ones stride, to live well.

    Formerly known as Ngā Kaitiaki Manawanui Whai Ora programme, our Whai Ora service is designed to empower individuals and their whānau with long-term health conditions to successfully self-manage their hauora. 

    ​ Referrals can be made through your GP, any of our providers or directly through our Whai Ora team and Hauraki PHO. 

    Whānau Resource can be found here

    Provider Resource
  • Taurima Te Pā Harakeke: Maternity Care and Early Childhood hauora Service

    Mā te pā te tamaiti e whakatupu – it takes a village to raise a child

    Taurima Te Pā Harakeke is a kaupapa Māori service that provides vital support for whānau from conception to 5 years old, guiding them through various health services and empowering them to achieve their desired outcomes. 

    This service is part of the Taurima Te Pā Harakeke Collective, each Taurima Te Pā Harakeke service is powered by our providers located across Hauraki-Waikato including us.


    All referrals can be made through our email address or through our registration form via the button below.

    Registration Form
  • Outreach Immunisation Service (OIS)

    Protecting our most vulnerable.

    Immunisation protects our most vulnerable against serious infections and builds community resistance. 

    Our Outreach Immunisation Service (OIS) aims to reach tamariki who for many reasons are unable to be immunised at their GP practice in a timely fashion. Immunisation has the power to safeguard individuals and communities from serious infections, potentially saving lives. It harnesses our body's natural defense mechanism to build resilience. 

    You can find more about the National Immunisation Schedule of free vaccinations on the Ministry of Health website.

  • Te Tara o Te Whai : Hauraki Localities

    Taking a population health approach to plan health services, our Te Tara o Te Whai team ensure that our peoples needs are being met through a more seamless care, tailored to the health and well-being needs identified by whānau, hapori and local lwi.

    For more information, check out their website here

  • Primary Mental Health

    I te puāwaitanga o te harakeke, he rito whakakī whāruarua – when the flax blossoms, its many offsprings begin their journey.

    Our primary mental health service is firmly grounded in Mātauranga Māori. Our highly trained Hinengaro practitioners provide confidential and no-cost services for individuals aged 12 and above, offering vital support for whānau on their personal paths.


    Referrals can be initiated through a GP or directly with Hauraki PHO. Following a referral, our administrator will reach out to you to arrange an appointment, which typically lasts between 1 to 1.5 hours.

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